Our Vision

Transformed Lives

Changed Communities

Our Mission

INNP Strives to connect with Likeminded partners for holistic development and restoration to have fulness of lives of the most vulnerable and marginalized communities through education, sustainable livelihood, GESI and resilient community development interventions.

Our Objectives

1) To see Increased capacity of families and communities on income and assists to cope econimic & disaster shocks with sustainable and resilient livelihoods.
2) Empower, Equip and Engage community workers in collaboration with likeminded institutions for community development and wholistic transformation.
3) Strengthen and capacity and skills of women and girls through education, awareness, training and advocacy to empower them for their social wellbeing and economic independence so that  they can to live in dignity.
4) To promote efficient and quality services for children in need through sponsorship, education and awareness and help them become responsible and productive members of the society.
5) Ensure the achievement of organizational vision through continuous learning, innovation, partnerships, collaboration for improving the efficiency and expanding its productivity and quality programs.